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Pickling, passivation, electropolishing steel.

Chemical treatment for removing impurities, contamination, stains and material produced by welding. The finish is achieved with this process is a homogeneous surface, clean and passivated with corrosion protection and matte or glossy appearance.

The electropolishing is a surface treatment which is performed through an electrolytic process by anodic dissolution of the metal surface to be treated, producing a levelling of the material basis leading to a bright finish and improve the properties of stainless steel Austenitic (non-ferrous).

The most common types are AISI 304, 316.


The application process electropolishing on stainless steel, makes a number of advantages to the material basis and functionality of the piece.


Allows to get surfaces completely aseptic, as the polished electrochemical amid acid leaves the material base, free of impurities. Often used in combination with a first phase of traditional mechanical polishing and a second phase of electropolishing and passivated.


The capping of the metal surface reduces the coefficient of friction, improving the properties of anti-friction.


Enhances any piece machined or built in stainless steel, giving it a uniform and shiny finish. Apply at any piece, a complicated form whatsoever.


Being a process of dissolution of the metal base, acting intensively on the edges and burrs produced in the phases of handling the material in building parts (machining, cutting, shaping, welding, etc.). Even in areas where buffing Mechanical be impossible.


The process of electropolishing, the anode act, brings to stainless steel passivation chemical material, increasing its anti-corrosive properties.


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